Adianti Framework for PHP is released
Pablo Dall'Oglio
2012-12-18 20:04:11 UTC
Hi folks,

I am one this list since ~2001 and I am writing to let you know about my
recent project that involves php-gtk ;-)

Adianti Framework (www.adianti.com/tools) is a project being developed
since 2007 by Adianti Solutions Ltd. The framework creator, Pablo
Dall'Oglio says that the central idea of the framework is making agile the
development of enterprise applications. To do that, the framework has many
visual components ready to be used, besides a productivity environment,
Adianti Studio, that allows to design interfaces for the application. The
framework also allows to create both Web Applications and Desktop
Applications (using Gtk engine). This way, the developer needs to write
just one code, and the result can be seen under the browser and also as a
standard desktop application.

The framework page brings a couple of tutorials. Three applications are
made available as example. One live tutorial, one application for library
management, and one issue management system.

Source: Adianti Solutions (http://www.adianti.com)

best regards!